What is the purpose of Sunnah Charity?

Sunnah Charity is dedicated to serving the needs of vulnerable individuals and communities, both locally and internationally. We prioritise essential services, including education, healthcare, clean water, and emergency relief, guided by Islamic values of compassion, justice, and dignity.

Are my donations eligible for tax relief?

Yes, as a registered UK charity, your donations may qualify for Gift Aid. This means that for every £1 you donate, we can claim an additional 25p from the government, at no extra cost to you. This flexibility allows us to address immediate emergencies and provide support where it is most required, ensuring your contribution has a significant impact.

Can I specify where I want my donation to be used?

We allocate donations based on the purpose they have been donated for. Our most in need option allows us to provide support to the most vulnerable people all over the world. This flexibility allows us to address immediate emergencies and provide support where it is most required, ensuring your contribution has a significant impact.

Can I visit the projects or communities supported by your charity?

Yes, we occasionally organise field visits to our project sites, providing a unique opportunity to witness the impact of our work firsthand. Contact our team for information on upcoming visits and requirements to join.

How can I stay updated on your charity's work and projects?

Stay connected with us through our mailing list, WhatsApp broadcast and social media platforms for regular updates on our work, success stories, and latest initiatives. Sign up for our newsletter on our website to receive timely updates, and visit our blog for additional information and resources.

How can I donate to Sunnah Charity?

Donating to our charity is easy and secure. Visit our website to make an online donation or set up a regular donation. We prioritise essential services, including education, healthcare, clean water, and emergency relief, guided by Islamic values of compassion, justice, and dignity.

How are my donations used?

We operate on a 100% Donation Policy, meaning all of your donation is solely used for the purpose it was donated for. We do not deduct any cost from your donations and endeavour to get the most out of your donation, with our compromising on quality for the purpose it was donated for. Transparency and accountability are core principles for us. Your donations directly fund our charitable projects and initiatives. We have rigorous monitoring and evaluation processes to ensure effective utilisation of funds, reaching those in need.

How can I get involved and volunteer with your charity?

We value the contribution of volunteers who dedicate their time, skills, and passion to our cause. Explore volunteer opportunities and complete the application form on our “Get Involved” page. We will contact you with further details and next steps.

How do you ensure the safety and security of your projects?

Safety and security are paramount. We maintain robust risk management procedures to mitigate potential risks and safeguard beneficiaries, staff, and volunteers. Collaborating closely with local partners and authorities, we ensure the effectiveness and sustainability of our projects.

How can I contact your charity for further inquiries or assistance?

For any questions, concerns, or assistance, reach out to us through our website’s contact page or email [email protected] or call our office on 0300 772 7772. Our friendly team is ready to assist you and provide the support you need.