
Start Fundraising

Would you like to set up a fundraising page?

Can you and a team of friends dedicate time for:

  • Sponsored challenges
  • Walks, Treks or Run
  • Mountain climbing
  • Sponsored fast
  • Bike ride

You can help us by raising funds for worthy causes and earn the rewards, whether it is through raising at a fun day, a sponsored trek, a sponsored hike or something else.

Start creating your very own fundraising page now.Sunnah Charity welcomes amazing fundraisers like yourself to start your own fundraiser and start raising money for any of our projects. Could be a for a Masajid, water pump, water wells, sponsorships, or any other.

To setup your own fundraising page, all you need to do is complete the following form. Once we have reviewed and approved your application, we will set up a page accordingly and email over your personal donation link. You can share this link anywhere, including friends, family and social media.

Get Started

Fundraiser Form

Let’s get started. Kindly fill out the form and wait for your welcome email. Jazakallahu khayr and Thank you.

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Description for your fundraiser