How Your Donations Work

100% Donation Policy

At Sunnah Charity, we believe in transparency and accountability in donations. We’re proud to say that 100% of your donation goes directly to the cause you choose.

We don’t deduct anything from your donation, and we don’t charge any administration costs. We achieve this through rigorous controls and cost control measures while ensuring the highest quality of support to those in need. We also receive support from our corporate sponsors and the government’s Gift Aid scheme to cover our operating expenses, allowing us to deliver on 100% of your donation.

We understand that it’s important to know whether your donation is being used effectively. At Sunnah Charity, we’re committed to making the best possible use of every donation. We strive to benefit as many people as possible, providing them with the best support and making a positive change in their lives.

Have a bigger share of the rewards and support Sunnah Charity by supporting us in our work. You can do this by allocating a space for a Clothes Recycling Bank, setting up a standing order from as little as £10 per month and or becoming a corporate sponsor. Remember that for every effort that Sunnah Charity does in supporting and helping those in need, you will be earning a reward as part of your support for our operations. Consider donating to Sunnah Charity today and make a significant impact on the lives of those who need it the most. Thank you for your support!

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Having a share of the reward from every bit of charitable work we do

You can also help by spreading the word about our projects, share our website and social media pages with your friends and family. Let them know about the work we are doing and how they can help. Get involved by becoming a volunteer, supporter or representative by checking our “Get Involved” section on our website.

Thank you for your support. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of those in need.

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