


  • Cost £2,525
  • Provides water for an entire village
  • Running Motor installed
  • Upon Completion – You will receive pictures and video media
  • Sunnah Charity Promise: Your Sadaqah Jariyah is our Amanah, Sunnah Charity will take care of all maintenance as long as your water project provides water


Large Community Water Well

In Bangladesh, access to clean water remains a critical challenge for many communities. We are dedicated to making a difference by constructing water wells that provide sustainable and reliable access to clean water. With your support, we can empower families and transform lives. Join us in our mission to bring clean water access to Bangladesh communities. Donate today to our impactful water well projects and help create a brighter, healthier future for those in need.


Make an Impact with Your Donation:

  • By donating to our water well projects, you directly empower communities and improve their quality of life.
  • Your contribution helps us construct more water wells, reaching and benefiting more families in need.


Trust and Transparency:

  • We prioritise the quality and functionality of each water well, ensuring long-term and reliable water access.
  • Our organisation is committed to transparency in the utilisation of funds, providing accountability to our donors.


Act Now and Donate:

  • Join us in our mission to bring clean water access to communities in Bangladesh.
  • Your donation, no matter the amount, makes a significant difference in improving lives.


Help Spread the Word:

  • Share our water well projects and donation opportunities with your network.
  • Together, we can raise awareness and inspire others to contribute to this life-changing cause.