
Saturday 23rd March
Crescent Hall
50 Dunstable Road
Tickets: £25 Each
URGENT UPDATE 22nd March 2024! Assalaamu alaykum warahmatullahIt is with regret that we have had to cancel the Fundraising Iftar Event for our dear sister Farzana.

Due to unforeseen circumstances the Iftar has been cancelled.

We send our sincere apologies to everyone who has booked a ticket for the event and we ask that you keep Farzana in your duas.

InshaAllah refunds will be issued within the next week.

For all other donations, the money will be donated towards Farzana’s treatment.

JazakAllahu Khayr for your support and understanding.

Update: 29 February 2024 by Farzana Azam

Update after scans
Asalamalaykam, after having my scans I have spoken with my oncologist, by the miracle of Allah my results have come back positive, my tumours are shrinking, so the treatment is working Alhumdulilah.
The doctors are very optimistic and so am I .
I am indebted to everyone who has supported me during this difficult time.
I will need to continue the treatment until the cancer goes into remission.
Please keep me in your duas.
Dear friends, When Farzana Azam, worked as a former wedding photographer prior to her diagnosis, she cherished the opportunity to work with people and capture their special moments. As a devoted mother of three, she has always prioritised her children and provided support for her entire family. Farzana’s generosity extended beyond her loved ones, as she often went out of her way to help friends, strangers, and the community. Unfortunately, in 2021, Farzana received the devastating news that she has breast cancer. Despite trying five different conventional cancer drugs, none have been effective, and the cancer has spread to multiple areas. The doctors in England have exhausted all available treatment options, leaving Farzana in a vulnerable state both mentally and physically. This news has also deeply impacted everyone close to her, including friends and family. In search of hope, we have discovered treatment in Turkey. We have personally spoken to a patient who is recovering and found that the treatment offered there holds promise. Her doctors and oncologists in England have also reviewed the treatment at Chemothermia and are hopeful and supportive of it. However, the treatments at Chemothermia come at a significant cost with each session costing approximately £5,000, in addition to other expenses such as PET/CT scans, medications, accommodation, and travel to and from Turkey. There are still uncertainties regarding the duration of Farzana’s battle with cancer and the exact number of sessions required. However, due to the extent of the cancer’s spread, a minimum of sixteen sessions may be necessary, with one session every ten days, and potentially maintenance sessions over a longer period. Farzana is the type of person who always prioritises others over herself, readily offering assistance to friends in need. Now, she urgently requires our help. Therefore, we kindly request your support through donations which will contribute towards covering the aforementioned expenses. With your support and donations, we can make a difference in Farzana’s fight against cancer and help her regain her health. Your contributions will alleviate the financial burden and reduce Farzana’s stress. Cancer can affect anyone, and it is not easy to ask for help, but it is what she needs at this moment. Please join us in saving Farzana’s life. Any amount is greatly appreciated! Please remember to share Farzana’s story.

Longer story:

Farzana is a remarkable and caring individual, fulfilling roles as a daughter, sister, mother, wife, aunt, and friend. Each day is challenging for her and her family. She desires to be present for her children’s safety and well-being, providing them with support. The thought of her children’s future without her is a source of fear. Her children have been deeply affected by her cancer diagnosis, finding it difficult to witness their mother’s struggle. Farzana used to be an energetic and joyful mother, always taking her children to new and exciting places, making life enjoyable for them. We aspire to assist Farzana and restore the vibrant person she once was. In 2021, Farzana faced initial fears of undergoing general anaesthesia for a surgery. As a result, she was prescribed antidepressants, which provided some relief. She also attempted alternative holistic therapies, which not only depleted all of her savings but also proved ineffective. Despite undergoing a surgery in an effort to halt the cancer’s spread, it had already metastasized to other areas such as her lungs, neck, shoulder, ribs, and spine. While some of the rib and spinal tumours were treated with radiotherapy and cyberknife, not all could be addressed. Unfortunately, each time she tried a new chemotherapy drug, her scans showed no progress in reducing the cancer, leading to emotional setbacks and feelings of deflation, depression, and fear. Farzana has experienced multiple hospital visits because of reactions to treatments, severe aches, pains, skin issues, fatigue, heart problems, extreme anxiety, infections, persistent harsh coughs, and fluid accumulation in her lungs and lymph nodes, making breathing difficult. Her condition and prolonged harsh effects of chemotherapy deteriorated her physical well-being, rendering her unable to function in her daily life and return to work as her sickness worsens. Recently, Farzana was advised by the hospital to return home and spend time with her family. During this period, she personally got to know another cancer patient, who had been given a prognosis of two weeks to live. Suki is currently undergoing cancer treatment at the Oncological Centre Chemothermia in Turkey, and she has had significant improvement. It has been five months since then, and Suki’s condition has continued to improve. Farzana finds hope in Suki’s story. Further research has been conducted on the cancer therapy used at Chemothermia, aiming to better understand its mechanisms. The therapy includes Metabolically Supported Chemotherapy, Hyperthermia, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Special Infusion Treatments, Repurposed Drugs, PhytoPharmaceutical Supplements, and an Oncological Diet. Further information & resourcesFor further information about patient results published on PubMed please see following links: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33927959/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28924531/ Professor Thomas Seyfriend, a professor in biology, genetics, and biochemistry, studied genetics for 33 years. He works in collaboration with Chemothermia to help treat cancer patients. For further information about Professor Thomas Seyfried and his research please see the following links: https://tomseyfried.com/https://www.bc.edu/content/bc-web/schools/morrissey/departments/biology/people/faculty-directory/thomas-seyfried.html