Donate £150 to the Goat Farming project to help provide a poor family with one male and two female goats.


Goat Farming: A Sustainable Livelihood Project

Sunnah Charity’s Goat Farming project is a Sustainable Livelihood initiative that helps poor families to break the cycle of poverty and build a better future for themselves.

Donate £150 to the Goat Farming project to help provide a poor family with one male and two female goats. These goats can be used:

  • To breed and produce offspring, which the family can use or sell to generate income.
  • To produce milk, which the family can consume or sell.
  • To produce meat, which the family can consume or sell.

Goat Farming is a sustainable livelihood because it provides a family with a source of food, income, and security. Goats are relatively low-maintenance animals, and they can be raised in a variety of climates.

In addition to the economic benefits, Goat Farming also has a number of social and environmental benefits. Goat farming can help to improve soil conditions and reduce land erosion. Goats can also be used to clear land and control weeds.

When you donate to the Goat Farming project, you are not only helping a poor family to break the cycle of poverty, but you are also investing in a better future for the environment.