Supporting The Millions Who Have Been Displaced And Lost Their Livelihoods



Syrian Crisis

The conflict in Syria has caused immense suffering for the Syrian people, with hundreds of thousands dead and millions displaced, both within the war-torn country and as refugees since the fighting started in 2011. The humanitarian situation in Syria remains dire, with many people lacking essentials, including food, clean water, and healthcare. The catastrophic February 6  earthquake has added more misery to the complex layers of suffering, making Syrian children and women more vulnerable to exploitation and abuse.

What is currently happening in the Syrian conflict?

  • The conflict that began as a forceful crackdown on peaceful student protests against the government of Syria on March 15, 2011, and escalated to full-scale violence, now enters its 12th year.
  • An estimated 15.3 million people (almost 7 out of 10) in Syria will require life-saving aid in 2023.
  • 6.8 million people are displaced within Syria — the largest number in the world and the highest number of people in need since the start of the conflict.
  • Turkey hosts over 3.5 million refugees, the largest refugee population hosted by a single country worldwide.
  • More than 6.5 million children in Syria need emergency aid due to the ongoing conflict.
  • About 2 million Syrian refugee children are out of school and an additional 1.6 million are at risk of dropping out.
  • A 7.8 magnitude earthquake on February 6 and a series of aftershocks devastate a large swath of northwest Syria and southeast Turkey, killing thousands and displacing hundreds of thousands of people.

How Can You Support The People Of Syria?

Join Sunnah Charity in making a difference by giving your Sadaqah and Zakat to the people of Syria. Your support will provide families with access to essential resources such as food, livelihoods, medical treatment, and clean water. Your contribution, no matter how small, brings blessings and protection in this life and the hereafter, transforming the lives of those facing unimaginable hardships for the people and refugees of Syria.

Food Parcel For A Family = £35 and supports the with staple foods for a month

Hot Meals = £3.00 for a nutritious hot meal consisting of, chicken or meat, rice, salad, fruit and a drink

Fresh Drinking Water Tanker = £30 will provide 5000 litres of fresh clean dining water

Child Clothing Packs = £10 will provide a child with a set of winter clothes

Family Clothing Packs = £80 will provide a family with a set of winter clothes for children and adults

Zakat = We distribute your Zakat giving precious financial support

By donating your Sadaqah and Zakat to this cause, you contribute to the support of the Syrian people from whom millions are now displaced and have lost everything.

Make a lasting impact by giving your Sadaqah and Zakat. Your generosity will help alleviate hunger and improve the lives of those affected by this crisis. Together, we can provide vital support and bring hope to the people of Syria in their time of greatest need.