£170.00 of £5,000.00


UPDATE: April 4th 2024

The Last Few Days of Ramadan remaining and I will NOW be running an extra 72k taking my total running target to 272k. This is all for our brothers and sisters in Gaza.

Allahuakbar! I have reached my fundraising target of £5,000.

Jazak Allahu khayr to our dear brother Kam from Limetree for supporting this campaign and promoting and sharing regular updates!

As you may have seen from the video I have shared, Sunnah Charity have already started spending the funds raised to feed people inside Gaza.

As I continue my running, please keep donating as this fundraising page will remain open until the end of ramadan. We want to increase on this target and increase in how much aid we can give to our brothers and sisters inside Gaza.

May Allah bless you all for your support!…..Ameen

UPDATE: 1st April 2024

Alhumdulillah I have now completed a total of 188k of my 200k Target in aid of raising funds for Gaza.

Alhumdulillah we have started distributing hot meals with the funds raised already and are not wasting time in getting your donations into Gaza to support our brothers and sisters.

Please dig deep in these blessed last few days of Ramadan and donate, support and share this opportunity to help our brothers and sisters in Gaza.



100k completed. Half way to my target of 200k. Please keep supporting and donating. I couldn’t do this without your support.


Ramadan Day 7 – 50k Completed

A week into Ramadan and I have now completed 50k of my 200k target, raising funds for our brothers and sisters in Gaza.

If anyone would like to join me on my runs or get involved please get in touch on 07816 599039
Please keep up the support and share this with your friends, family and colleagues.

Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullah

During this sacred and blessed month of Ramadan, I am embarking on a heartfelt journey to support our brothers and sisters in Gaza.

I am aiming to run a total of 200k through Ramadan. I will be running while fasting and at other times I will be running after breaking my fast, but non the less I am aiming to complete 200k to support our Brothers & Sisters in Gaza.

Ramadan is a time of reflection, compassion, and giving. It’s a time when we open our hearts to those in need, and Gaza needs us now more than ever.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “The best among you are those who benefit others.” Bukhari

The Prophet (PBUH) said: “The best charity is that given in Ramadan” – Muslim

Each step I take is a step towards providing relief and hope to our brothers and sisters in Gaza.

Please donate generously in this blessed month and let’s show our support for our Brothers & Sisters in Gaza.
I ask Allah to accept my efforts as a small gesture in supporting our Brothers & Sisters in Gaza and I ask Allah to bless every one of you for your kind donations and support!

JazakAllahu Khairan for your generosity and  support!