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£4,325.00 of £100.00


Aslaam Alaikum dear brothers and sisters

As you have heard the situation in Gaza is now very desperate in this time of need of our Palestinian brothers and sisters. I am running a clinic for two weeks where I will be doing Hijaama or sports massage therapy with all the proceeds going to Sunnah Charity who will be forwarding funds to the relief teams on the ground to provide food and other essential supplies.

As you know there is a blockade around Gaza and although currently financial support is getting through this can change at anytime.

However, we will ensure that all funds raised are forwarded as soon as is possible for what is likely to be a terrible destruction on the Palestinian territories.

The clinic will run from Sunday 15th October for two weeks. Hijaama will be with three cups at the sunnah points or a basic sports massage for 20 minutes.

Please book your session and donate generously and if you can’t make it for treatment then try and donate and please share this page. Insha-Allah let’s show our support for Gaza!

Book your hijaama or sports massage session now and support our brothers and siters in Gaza!

My contact number: 07816 599 039

Female and male practitioners available.