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Goal Reached!

Assalaamu Alaykum dear brothers and sisters

Insha-Allah I will be running the Bedford Half Marathon on the 2nd of September 2023. I will be running A Half Marathon with Sunnah Charity in Aid of The People Of Yemen!

Sunnah Charity are a local Luton based Charity and they operate on a 100% Donation Policy. The brothers and sisters at Sunnah Charity are very passionate about the work they do and the plight of the poor and needy all around the world.

This year I am fundraising for a cause that is close to my heart and one that is in urgent need of our support – The People Of Yemen. Yemen is facing an urgent humanitarian crisis, with over 20 million people in need of assistance due to skyrocketing food prices. The situation is dire, especially for the 2.3 million malnourished children who require immediate treatment

Currently, 161,000 Yemenis are experiencing famine, and without intensified efforts, this number could multiply fivefold by year-end.

How You Can Help The People Of Yemen

Join me in supporting the People Of Yemen by donating to this cause. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH said) “Do not show laziness or negligence in giving alms and charity till your last breath.” (Bukhari and Muslim). Our brothers and sisters are in dire need of our support, so whatever you donate will support them in their time of need and in return we can hope for Allah’s support in our own time of need.

Your support will provide families with access to essential resources such as food, livelihoods, medical treatment, and clean water. Your contribution, no matter how small, brings blessings and protection in this life and the hereafter, transforming the lives of those facing unimaginable hardships in Yemen. Jazak Allahu Khayr for your support and being a part of supporting the People of Yemen!

  • £35 = A Food Parcel For A Month For A Family of 6
  • £30 = 6000 Litres Of Clean Fresh Drinking Water
  • £40 = Life Saving Baby Aid For 3 Months