Supporting The Most Needy Communities With Clean Drinking Water



  • £30 for 6000 Litres of Fresh Clean Drinking Water.
  • Supplying 20 litres of fresh drinking water to 300 families.
  • Alleviating Thirst and Water Scarcity: Your generosity helps ensure that families no longer have to bear the burden of water scarcity.
    Access to clean water promotes better health, reduces the risk of waterborne diseases, and restores a sense of dignity to those affected.

Sunnah Charity Water Tankers Appeal

Quenching Thirst, Restoring Hope

“the best form of charity is giving water to drink” – Bukhari.

In Yemen, Syria, and among Syrian refugees in Turkey, the scarcity of fresh drinking water has reached critical levels. The absence of clean water
poses immense challenges, impacting the health and well-being of countless families. Sunnah Charity is launching the Water Tankers Appeal, a vital initiative to provide clean, safe drinking water to those in dire need. With your support, we can make a tangible difference and alleviate the suffering caused by water shortages.

The Dire Need for Clean Water

Water shortages have created an unprecedented humanitarian crisis in Yemen, Syria, and among Syrian refugees. Families are forced to endure
unimaginable hardships, walking miles in search of even a drop of water to quench their thirst. The lack of access to clean water leads to severe health issues, malnutrition, and the spread of waterborne diseases, further exacerbating the suffering of the most vulnerable.

The Sunnah of Providing Water

In Islam, the act of providing water to those in need holds great significance. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “The best form of charity is giving water to drink” Bukhari. By donating to the Water Tankers Appeal, you follow the prophetic tradition of extending a helping hand to those facing water scarcity, fulfilling the Islamic obligation of providing sustenance to those in need.

Join Us in Making a Difference

By donating to the Water Tankers Appeal, you become a lifeline for those deprived of clean water. Together, we can bring hope and relief to those
suffering from water shortages in Yemen, Syria, and among Syrian refugees. Your support not only quenches thirst but also restores faith in humanity and shows compassion towards those experiencing unimaginable hardships.

Donate Today and Quench The Thirst Of The Poor and Needy

Donate to the Sunnah Charity Water Tankers Appeal today and play a pivotal role in providing clean drinking water to those in desperate need.
Your contribution can transform lives, alleviate suffering, and restore hope for individuals and families affected by water scarcity in Yemen, Syria,
and among Syrian refugees in Turkey. Let’s work together to ensure that no one goes without the basic necessity of clean water.

The Effects Of Your Donations

In Yemen, Syria, and among Syrian refugees, the lack of clean drinking water remains a pressing issue, intensifying the suffering of vulnerable
communities. With your support, Sunnah Charity’s Water Tankers Appeal aims to bring relief and restore hope by providing essential access to clean water. Your donation is a means of fulfilling your Islamic duty and making a lasting impact on the lives of those affected by water shortages.
Together, let’s quench thirst, restore dignity, and uplift communities in need.