
Eid Gifts

Our Eid Gifts are specifically selected according to the age and gender of the children and include: Clothes, Sweets, and Toys.

Abu Sa’id al-Khudri reported that after delivering Eid prayers, “The Prophet (PBUH) would say three times, ‘Give in charity.’ The women would give the most of those who gave.”

£10 – Bring joy to a vulnerable child this Eid by donating a gift.

The Messenger (PBUH) was kind and merciful to children, going out of his way to make them laugh, play with them, and to spread joy. Follow in his footsteps this Eid by providing disadvantaged children with an Eid Gift.

All parents want to gift their children with Eid presents, but with soaring food prices it’s difficult for many Muslims to celebrate Eid as they’d like to. Help a family to mark Eid day by providing toys, sweets, and clothes to vulnerable children who may never have received a present at Eid before.

Everyone should be able to celebrate the joy of Eid. Continue the legacy of the Prophet (PBUH).

Spread happiness and compassion with an Eid Gift.
Give the mercy of an Eid Gift and continue the kindness of the Messenger (PBUH).